Mazjin Labs Guide To Monobenzone Depigmentation

If you are looking to depigment permanently with monobenzone cream to treat vitiligo you have come to the right place.


Why Monobenzone Is So Effective On Vitiligo?

Monobenzone is a proven permanent depigmenting cream that is used for the treatment of vitiligo and it works very well to depigment skin.

Although many people think monobenzone is permanent forever (and that is true to some extent) but some people do tend to repigment after they stop using monobenzone.

This side effective is minimal and can be controlled by using a small amount of 20% monobenzone on the area once a week.

How Does Monobenzone Work?

Monobenzone works by destroying melanin cells in the skin and this is why it works randomly. It is definitely not desirable to have white spots or patches everywhere on your body but this is the way monobenzone works and you must continue the treatment until you are 100% depigmented.

Michael Jackson Monobenzone Use

Sunlight will need to be avoided if you are using monobenzone because it will cause skin damage that may be permanent.

Michael Jackson has been forced to walk outside with a large black umbrella every time he is outdoors and you must consider this before you use monobenzone cream to depigment fully.


Monobenzone and White Patches

Monobenzone can sometimes produce white patches in the skin when applied regularly. This is a known side effect and will improve the more that you use the cream. Keep a log about your progress so that you know what areas are getting satellite depigmentation when you are applying only to certain areas.

It is intended for use in vitiligo patients because of this side effect but if you want to fully depigment then it should not be a cause for concern.

These white patches can be permanent but sometimes they melanin cells in the skin can reproduce causing repigmentation in the area. This will mean you need to reapply monobenzone cream to those areas once more. Dark skinned individuals may opt to use makeup to hide a stark contrast in the skin during the depigmentation stage of their treatment.

It will take up to 1 full year to see full results from 20% monobenzone cream. If there are areas that are harder to treat your doctor may prescribe you with 30% or 40% monobenzone cream to treat these areas faster.

Learn more about monobenzone and white patches on our website:

Mazjin Blog - Can Monobenzone Cause White Patches?


Buy 20% Monobenzone Cream Online

Almost anything you can think of these days is sold online. It's important to do your research and make sure you are buying from a reliable company. How do you know that the monobenzone you are buying is the real deal? Unless your a pharmacist - you won't really know until you have seen real monobenzone powder and can compare.

Monobenzone powder is an off white crystal powder that has a slight shimmer to it. Up close it looks like fine needles and comes in a variety of packaging. Only laboratories and pharmacies can compound monobenzone cream and will usually need a prescription from your doctor.

If you suffer from vitiligo and need 20% monobenzone/benoquin cream formulated for you; you can either go to a local pharmacy or an reliable online pharmaceutical company. Always discuss the treatment option with your doctor so that they may keep an eye on your progress.

Monobenzone is a serious treatment and should not be taken lightly. Once you start using monobenzone cream you cannot stop otherwise your skin will look patchy and uneven. It will help to complete the depigmentation process quicker.

It can get expensive to continue to purchase monobenzone, but it is the only permanent solution to full depigment that skin. Many insurance companies also refuse to cover prescriptions for monobenzone/benoquin cream because they feel that it is cosmetic.

We disagree with this notion because it can have huge physcological and physical toll on vitiligo patients and their families. It's better to get treatment soon than later and you may also want to look at the option to repigment the skin to go back to your natural skin tone instead of depigmenting.

The Way Monobenzone Works

Mazjin 20% Monobenzone Cream
There really isn't all that much research about monobenzone and its chemical properties or how it actually works inside our bodies. One thing is for sure, it attacks and kills our melanocytes effectively producing less pigment in our skin.

Monobenzone cream formulations are primarily intended for use in vitiligo patients but it seems there is more demand for it to help remove discoloration and melasma. Anyone looking to buy monobenzone cream....

Read Full Blog Post - The Way Monobenzone Works

Monobenzone powder on the other hand is a lot more dangerous to handle. Some of you asked us how you would be able to formulate your own monobenzone cream if you bought monobenzone powder? It's definitely not easy but we have published a basic monobenzone cream formula for you to look at and decide if you really want to mix creams yourself.

Remember to always use protective gloves when handling pure monobenzone powder. We sell 99.5% pure raw monobenzone powder directly from our website and ship worldwide.

If you have any questions, let us know. We are happy to help! :)